
There are a lot of blogging platforms based on Node.js/Express.js. When Parse introduced hosting with Express, they also had an example blog called AnyBlog that showcased the same. However, AnyBlog wasn't a practical solution for a blog. This fork develops upon AnyBlog so that this can be a viable and easy to use blogging platform.

You can check out the official hosted version at www.anyblog.co. You can check out the demo of my version at aneeshdevasthale.me/blog.

Features Added to AnyBlog

  1. Removed comments. Comments are now handled by disqus.
  2. Added tags functionality
  3. Added Bootstrap
  4. Added share buttons
  5. Added CKEditor for a fully featured HTML Editor for blog content
  6. URLs have URL slugs instead of the actual id of the ParseObject.


  1. Created a new app on Parse, and make sure you go through getting started guide for Cloud Code.

  2. Type parse new . in the directory where this README resides, authenticate with your Parse credentials, and choose the app name you created.

  3. Now, we'll need to configure the url where you can reach your app. Go to your app's setting page and set a unique subdomain for your Web Hosting url. The subdomain.parseapp.com/ will be your shareAddress. (For Step 5)

  4. Go to Disqus and create a new site profile. Choose an unique disqus url. If you choose myblog.disqus.com, then myblog is now your disqus_shortname. (For Step 5)

  5. Edit cloud/app.js and specify your userDisplayName, shareAddress and disqus_shortname.

  6. Type parse deploy. This deploys your app to Parse.

  7. Go to yoursubdomain.parseapp.com/blog and view your copy of the blog.

  8. You will see a blank page. Go to to yoursubdomain.parseapp.com/blog/admin to create a new post.

  9. Enjoy Anyblog forked by Aneesh!